The developers GGG have announced a serious change for Path of Exile. Because the labyrinth will be changed with the release of the expansion The Fall of Oriath.
Path of Exile - The Labyrinth - Changes and improvements
The labyrinth, one of the endgame zones of Path of Exile and a central part of the character development, was previously linked to the level of difficulty. There was a normal lab, cruel lab, merciless lab and the “Uber” lab as the last and heaviest. Completing each maze for the first time gave the player 2 Ascendancy points. Since the Ascendancy Skill Trees are designed for 2 points each, 4 different labyrinths are held
Due to the elimination of the 3 levels of difficulty with the expansion and the restructuring of the game to 10 acts, the division of the labyrinths is also omitted.
Accordingly, developer GGG changes access to the labyrinth, but the player still has to pass 6 trials to unlock access. This gives the player access to the Aspirant's Plaza where all 4 entrances will be located. The plaza also receives its own waypoint.
A new UI will show exactly which trials still have to be passed.
In the course of the revision of the labyrinth, GGG is also taking the feedback from the community on this topic to heart. Accordingly, the length is cut a bit and the distance to the first Izaro fight shortened. You will still have to fight 3 Izaro fights, but with shorter intervals. The failure of a run is somewhat defused, since it will be possible to advance to the same point faster.
Path of Exile - Legacy League is running longer
In addition to the improvements to the maze, GGG released the Extension of the current Legacy League known. Due to the overwhelming response from the community, the Legacy League will continue even during the beta for The Fall of Oriath. Initially it was planned to end the league beforehand and hold events such as races as a bridging event, these plans still exist, only that the league will continue to run in parallel. This means that everyone has a few more weeks of uniques that can otherwise not be found.