Path of Exile - Skills Revisions and Patch 3.2.1C

Path of Exile

In addition to Patch 3.2.1c have the Path of Exile Developers today given an outlook on the next updates and the revision of little-used capabilities.

It is primarily about skills that are only really good in special situations and are otherwise trumped by many other skills in almost all areas. Just some of the older skills such as Ice spear only shine in special situations, in this case stationary bosses.

Path of Exile - revising older or unused skills

To the Ice spear against Groups of opponents it takes a whole range of suitable support gems to use. In comparison works for example Sinner with only one gem exchanged, equally strong against groups and individual opponents. So there is little reason to use the objectively worse skill.

The Path of Exile team is therefore planning to gradually adapt these "forgotten" skills and make them useful again.

As an example is Black ice called:

"Black ice is one of those candidates. We are currently experimenting with the ability to continue to cause immediate and considerable damage in a small area (with increased values so that the scaling is closer to other cold skills), while at the same time triggering a larger pulse, which undercool the opponents and thereby cold damage over time caused. As a result, the skill retains its high hit damage for those who can handle the cooldown very well and at the same time grants noticeable area damage, so that the cooldown has less influence on the skill as a whole.

When developing and designing new skills, the focus should be on ensuring that the new gems match a play style or ascendancy. Hopefully this will lead to thematically matching styles of play.

Of course, there are still completely differently designed skills that will result in completely new character builds. Only recently there was with Debilitate and contamination two such skills. In other cases like Loaded sprint Did that go wrong and improvements are planned in these cases as well.

“Loaded sprint was intended as a skill that would serve as both a primary attack and a means of locomotion. There are few skills in this category in Path of Exile, but only Cyclone and Flicker Strike really come into their own in the endgame. Loaded sprint should play a similar role for attacks with converted elemental damage and thus bring variety to the gameplay. This skill was aimed at opponents who are in a position with maximum overlap while the character is moving quickly between them. Complex encounters with endgame bosses and the quick, precise aiming that was required in these situations made this skill less suitable for many larger boss fights. The damage caused simply couldn't make up for the effort and risk.

We're trying a new setup for this skill where the area damage doesn't overlap, so you don't have to worry about hitting enemies in the area with the most overlap. This also allows us to increase the skill's hit damage. We're experimenting with equipping the skill with repetitive, pulsing damage when fully charged so that you don't have to repeatedly click enemies when moving fast. This goes hand in hand with major changes to the extent to which damage caused is affected by attack and movement speed. We are currently fine-tuning this. "

Path of Exile - Patch 3.2.1C

You can find the complete blog post with further explanations on the Path of Exile forums. Afterwards we have the German patch notes for today for you 3.2.1C update. This resulted in further errors in the Bestiary League Fixed:

  • A bug has been fixed where the correct captured beasts were not displayed in the bestiary book if the search field was emptied after highlighting all of the text.
  • It is no longer possible to awaken Legendary Beasts as ghosts. This is to be prevented as these beasts can spawn waves of creatures at certain life point levels. When these beasts were awakened as ghosts, these creatures could be killed by the player, which could result in the player being able to farm infinite experience.
  • Legendary Beasts can no longer spawn with the Fragile Nemesis modifier.
  • Fixed a bug where removing the Farrul's Fur armor would not update the reservation cost of a custom Aspect of the Cat modifier.
  • Fixed a bug where an item with 'Aspect of the Cat' supported by 'Assist: Faster Casting' would cause 'Maneuverability of the Cat' to grant the player the spell speed bonus.
  • Fixed a bug where 'Sextants of the Apprentice Cartographer' and 'Sextants of the Journeyman Cartographer' could be applied to Elder cards.
  • Fixed a bug where the level requirement of the unique item 'Solar Flare' could be level 16 instead of 37.
  • Fixed a rare client crash that could occur when changing territories.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when trapping a beast.
  • Fixed an instance crash that could occur when casting 'Gathering'.
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