In September the PlayStation Plus Membership includes several bangers like Destiny 2, God of War Remastered and Another World.
- Destiny 2 - PlayStation 4
- God of War 3 - Remastered
- Another World 20th Anniversary Edition
- QUBE Director's Cut
- Sparkle 2
- foul play
Playstation Plus in September
Straight Destiny 2 is one of the hits of the last few years that has caused quite a stir. This is not only in a positive sense, but the free trial makes it a sure thing. With the next expansion, The Forsaken, just around the corner, this is the perfect time to check out Activision Blizzard's game.
The hype surrounding the latest part of the God of War row is unbroken and here is the opportunity to try out the predecessor. Sony of course offers the improved remastered version directly.

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With Another World another absolute classic is added to the modern consoles. The action adventure game with jump'n'run elements, released in 1991 by the French Delphine Software for the Amiga 500, caused a sensation at that time. The unusual graphics gave the game a special charm. In addition there was the chance to die at any time and the resulting difficulty level was quite steep. A number of difficult, partly so complex puzzles, which were already slightly unfair, often caused frowning.
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