Rainbow Six Siege - Automatic bans for insults

Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Players who make insults and especially racist remarks are now threatened with a direct ban. Publisher Ubisoft is sending a clear signal against the ever increasing "Toxicity" in online games. Toxicity refers to the ever-worsening climate when communication consists almost entirely of insults and swear words.

Toxicity isn't just a problem in Rainbow Six Siege

Such behavior is a huge problem in FreeToPlay games, for example fighting riots League of Legends with this problem for years. It is even worse here, as even account lockouts can be bypassed by creating a new free account.

In Rainbow Six Siege there is now a 3-step system. The first lock is 27 minutes long and increases to 2 hours with the 2nd and 3rd abnormalities. After the third ban, an investigation by customer service begins, which can lead to a permanent ban according to the Rainbow Six Siege regulations.

In April, Ubisoft announced measures against "toxicity" in a developer blog:


The implementation now seems to be a little different, but it hits the core of the ideas raised at the time. Back then, the automatic system was supposed to simply censor the relevant parts of the chat. So a kind of filter function that cannot be switched off.

In practice, the insults are no longer blacked out, instead the corresponding player is banned directly.

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