Starcraft: Remastered - Patch 1.22.0 brings a new ranking system

Starcraft: Remastered

After yourself Starcraft: Remastered Enjoying great popularity, it is no wonder that Blizzard is further refurbishing the modern classic with patches and new functions.

Starcraft: Remastered with a new ranking system

With Patch 1.22.0 there is an improved ranking system and new rewards.

With the ranking system, Blizzard is of course using proven methods that are already working successfully in their other games. So there will be seasons and in the first season you have to fight for your first league rank with 5 placement games.

The league ranks are as follows:

Starcraft: Remastered graphics of the league ranks
Source: Blizzard

Explanation by the Blizzard team

Thereafter, each match played will affect your MMR (player assignment rating):

“Once you've been assigned to a league, after each match you can see the impact it has on your Player Assignment Rating (MMR). The player assignment rating that you need for promotion (or relegation) is also always visible. So you know where you are at all times. If your friends are playing StarCraft: Remastered, you can also compare your MMRs.

For the battle-hardened veterans among you who have been winning since the game was released, we will use your game data to calculate your MMR at the start of Season 1. Your ranking is initially based on the absolute value of your MMR. After two weeks of bitter fighting, the MMR limits for each rank are then changed as a percentage based on the player distribution. They are adjusted every day at 5:00 p.m. PDT to keep each rank balanced. Because of this dynamic adjustment, players who are close to the border between two ranks could have a different rank after the daily adjustment. "

So that the S-rank does not remain too static because players pause after reaching the coveted rank, there will be a decay of the points:

“We're also adding an S-rank expiration mechanism for the player assignment scoring so that our best players take their deserved place at all times. S-ranked players must play at least five games each week. Otherwise you lose 2 % of your MMR for every game not played, up to a maximum of 10 %. For example, if a player in S rank only plays three games in a week, he will lose 4 % of his MMR. "

The detailed explanation of the Starcraft: Remastered Team can be found on the official homepage.

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