Vive Pro - HTC presents the upgrade to the Vive

Vive Pro

After days of suggestion, yesterday became the new one VIVE Pro presented by HTC. The first presentation of the new VR headset took place at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018.

HTC Vive Pro - Improved resolution, more microphones and headphones

Above all, the resolution increased significantly from the previous 2160 x 1200 pixels or 1080 x 1200 pixels per eye 2880 x 1600 pixels on the 2 OLED panels or 1440 x 1600 Pixels per eye.

Also new are the integrated headphones, which should offer a significantly better sound quality compared to the previous audio straps. In addition to additional Microphones, especially 2 new ones fall Cameras on the front of the headset. So far, HTC has been reluctant to provide information about their intended use: "and dual front-facing cameras designed to empower developer creativity. "

How these cameras are then used is up to the game and application developers. One possibility that gamers often referred to as an improvement on the "old" Vive would be to allow the cameras to take a quick look at the real world. For example, to reach for drinks or if your pet runs through your legs. An optional Wireless adapter there will also be. This works with both the Vive and the Vive Pro.


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HTC has been keeping a low profile on the price so far, so far there has only been information that there will be an upgrade offer for Vive owners in the first quarter of 2018. This comes at a lower price, only then should the complete package be available for new customers.

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