World of Warcraft - End of the mobile auction house

World of Warcraft auction house

As the World of Warcraft The Blizzard team announced today that the mobile auction house will be closing down soon. As early as April 18, 2018, residents of Azeroth will have to do without the practical small app. You will also no longer be able to access your auctions via the Blizzard website afterwards.

The remaining functions of the Arsenal App should not be affected and thus be preserved. Only the possibility to view and create your transactions via app or website will be removed. So it's time to walk back to the auctioneer in the capitals and personally list your things.

This is a shame for many players, as the app does some Convenience functions to facilitate the creation of auctions bot. The in-game auction house has some catching up to do in this regard and the fans hope that Blizzard will now address these problems.

World of Warcraft - The mobile auction house functions are disappearing

Followed by the official announcement from Blizzard:

The mobile auction house will cease to operate on April 18, 2018. After that, you will no longer be able to view offers on the auction house or make transactions using the World of Warcraft website or the World of Warcraft Arsenal app. You will still have access to all other functions of the World of Warcraft Arsenal app afterwards. Only the functionality for the auction house is set. You can still use the auction house services on both websites and the World of Warcraft Arsenal app until April 18th. The function will then be deactivated and all links will be removed from our website.

API & community pages not affected

Some World of Warcraft community sites use Blizzard's API to access auction house data. If you use these pages to access data from the auction house and thus keep an eye on the prices of fish, you (and them) can continue to do so. The community is allowed to access APIs to extract and use data, and that will not change. So you can watch the fish prices to your heart's content in the future.

The auctioneers of Azeroth need you!

In the meantime, just log in and find one of Azeroth's eager auctioneers. They still love to take over the handling of your business. And now off with you, you little goblins - after all, time is money, friends!

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