World of Warcraft - Hotfix from 17.8.

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The newest World of Warcraft Update reduces the requirements for the Heart of Azeroth and fixes bugs with flight points.

Especially the flight route problems were annoying, sometimes flight points unlocked by quest could not be selected. So the poor World of Warcraft heroes sometimes had an arduous walk to get to their next quest destination.

The PvP players among you who are waiting for the opening of the first Battle for Azeroth season will at least get honor for the PvP world quests.

You can find the complete German patch notes for the hotfix below:

World of Warcraft Hotfix from August 17, 2018

Azerite equipment

  • The level requirement for the Heart of Azeroth to activate the outer ring of Azerite armor from world quests and mythical dungeons has been greatly reduced.


  • Sorcerer
    • Ailments
      • Death Bolt now properly deals increased damage when cast immediately after using Unstable Affliction.

Creatures & NPCs

  • Mud Plague is now much easier to loot.


  • Fixed a bug that caused the cooldown or duration of the 'Happened' almanac to be affected too much when multiple enemies were hit.


  • Capture Point Sources such as Call to Arms PvP World Quests, Island PvP Expeditions, Skirmishes, and Random Battlegrounds will now grant honor through to Arena Season 1 of Battle for Azeroth begins.
  • Players who currently have Conquest Points will instead receive the appropriate amount of Honor the next time they log in.
  • The Belt Enchantments of Miniaturized Plasma Shield and Elbow Free Engineering can no longer be used in the arena and on Ranked Battlegrounds.
  • The Stormy Gladiator title is now available again to players who completed the Stormy Gladiator: Legion Season 5 achievement.
  • The boxes with war supplies thrown from the air for the war mode no longer land in unreachable places in Tiragardesund.
  • monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Incendiary Brew now respects field of view restrictions.
      • Open Barrel no longer stuns targets multiple times per use of Barrel Slash.


  • culinary arts
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Pandaria Banquets from properly granting Pandaria Cooking and Way of the Grill skill advancement.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented miners from reappearing as intended during "Dark Iron Targeting".
  • Fixed a bug that caused missions needed to unlock quest areas on the other continent to run quickly.
  • Reitara is no longer hostile towards Horde players for the world quest "Scrub That!"
  • Hexlord Raal is now properly present to offer the Pa'ku, Lady of the Winds quest.
  • "The Lord Admiral's Complaint" and "Bloody Sentinel Glaive" can now be turned in to Kayla Mills.


  • Flight routes unlocked by missions now properly appear on the flight map as valid travel destinations
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