World of Warcraft - August 21st Hotfixes

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The World of Warcraft Hotfixes are slowly getting smaller, so there is hope that the worst Battle for Azeroth bugs have been fixed.

Today there were mainly bug fixes for the world quests and the Kronsteigan property. Some players were also affected by a bug where they met all the requirements for unlocking the new races, but were not offered the corresponding quests. This error should now be resolved.

You can find the detailed patch notes below:

World of Warcraft - Hotfixes August 21, 2018


  • Players who first chose Pa'ku can now complete the Raptari Rider achievement after switching to Gonk as Loa.

Azerite Traits

  • Fixed a bug with Disapprove (Demonology) where receiving multiple stacks of Demonic Core at once would not provide any additional benefit.


  • The Kronsteigan property
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Raal the Insatiable from using Pounding in certain situations.
    • Matron Alma's 'Dread Mark' no longer targets pets.

Island expeditions

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented players from receiving full rewards for victoriously completing an island expedition.


  • The incessantly ticking clock effect now properly scales with item level.
  • Ratztunks large red button missile damage increased by 248 %.

Pet fights

  • Victory in a PvP pet battle will now properly grant polished pet charms.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players who met the requirements to unlock an Allied Race from accepting the related quests.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented multiple players from completing What's Left of Marshal M. Valentin at the same time.

World quests

  • Fixed a bug that prevented "A Spooky Encounter" from displaying as intended.
  • Spike leaf no longer disappears when defeated for "What do you mean, mind-altering plants?"
  • Abyssal Beacon no longer disappears from the player's inventory if they die during Light In The Dark.
  • Enemies no longer disappear before they can be looted during Spider Web Walk.
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