World of Warcraft July 20th Hotfixes

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The preparation patch for the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion Battle for Azeroth still had a number of bugs. For the third day in a row, Blizzard is applying hotfixes to the servers. Here you can find the patch notes for the last 2 hotfixes: Part 1Part 2.

One mistake in particular looks familiar to us:

  • Fixed a visual bug that caused some characters to appear without the top of their head.

With the last World of Warcraft expansion, there was a similarly funny bug where you could look your buddies in the skull.

Furthermore, the hitpoints in various raids have been reduced again. By rebalancing the skills and adjusting the numerical values through the prepatch, some older mobs and raids have become unexpectedly difficult.

World of Warcraft - Hotfixes from July 20, 2018


  • monk
    • Storm, Earth, and Fire Earth and Fire Spirits will now properly mimic Rushing Jade Wind regardless of target.
  • paladin
    • protection
      • Fixed a bug where the 4-piece set bonus of the Lightspearhead Combat Plate was not activated and deactivated as intended.
      • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Consecration from granting a buff.
  • Villain
    • Assassination
      • Fixed a bug that prevented 'Miracle Point' from being learned at level 40.
  • Sorcerer
    • Demonology
      • The 'Magic Lock' triggered by 'Command Demon' can no longer be cast without a target.
      • Demonic Call now properly triggers from Demon Bolt.

Character services

  • Characters from level 110 can now take up to 1,000,000 gold with a character transfer.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fixed a visual bug that caused some characters to appear without the top of their head.

Dungeons & Raids

  • The health and damage of all enemies in the Emerald Nightmare, Trial of Valor, Night Fortress, and Tomb of Sargeras have been significantly reduced.
  • The experience you get for completing random dungeons has been increased.
  • Antorus, the Burning Throne
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Unstoppable Death from working as intended in some situations, such as Aggramar's Flamecut.
  • The Eye of Azshara
    • The damage caused by Lightning Strike, Warlord Parjesh's Breaking Wave, and Quicksand has been significantly reduced.
  • The nexus
    • Chaotic Energy Strike from Chaotic Rifts no longer deals excessive damage.
  • Obsidian sanctum
    • Sartharion's large loot bag now contains loot again.
  • Return to Karazhan
    • Mana Confluence's Ablative Shield no longer absorbs excessive damage.
  • Utgarde Castle
    • Dragonflayer Runic Mage Bolthorn's Rune of Flame now deals less damage.


  • Darkmoon Card Set: Promise no longer reduces the cost of non-mana abilities.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Banners from granting the proper Honor, Experience, and Reputation bonuses.
  • Fishing chair and Nat’s fishing chair will temporarily not be usable as chairs while a bug in their functionality is being corrected. Their functionality will be restored in a future patch.


  • The PvP scaling has been adjusted to reduce the difference in damage and strength between players with different item levels at level 110.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some players from being able to get Honorable Medallion in PvP.


  • fishing
    • Fixed a bug that caused the wrong sound effect to play when casting the fishing rod.


  • Fixed an issue where after completing Death To Agogridon, the bonus reputation was not properly granted. If you've already completed the quest, you can speak to Karnum Marshweaver in Desolace to receive your reward.
  • Talking, quest-relevant NPCs are only visible to hunters who are on the quest "Never hunt alone".
  • Players can now complete the Weed Killer quest again.
  • Fixed a bug with the conversation required for Secrets of Wyrmskol Uncovered that prevented the Echo of Ymiron from completing as intended.
  • Low-level players can now properly damage the Devilsaur Queen during the quest "The Ballad of Maximilian".
  • The “Arson” quest can now be completed again.


  • On Uther's path, progress can be made again with the SELFIE camera for the success “field photographer”.
  • Alliance players can now again complete “Uther's Blessing” when going to Uther's statue.

The World of Warcraft Extension Battle for Azeroth will be released on August 14, 2018.

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