Path of Exile – Update 3.4.3E Patchnotizen

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Auch wenn die offiziellen deutschen Patchnotizen vom Path of Exile Team verschollen sind, gab es trotzdem ein Update diese Woche.

In diesem wurde unter anderem ein Suchfeld für die Minenkarte eingebaut. Falls ihr also schauen wollt wo bestimmte Monster, Belohnungen oder auch eine bestimmte Tiefe steckt, könnt ihr dies nun suchen.

Zusätzlich hat das Path of Exile Team noch den Bug bei Kartenmeisterin Zana behoben. Durch diesen verlangte sie bestimmte Shaper Fragmente, anstatt einfach nur generell 5 bzw. 10 Memory Fragmente, um die „Shaped“ Option anzubieten.

Ebenfalls gab es diese Woche ein neues Kapitel der Boss gegen Boss Sage. Wer schon immer einmal wissen wollte, welcher Rissfürst gegen alle anderen gewinnen würde, kann sich den Kampf hier anschauen:


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Die englische Version der Patch Notizen für Update 3.4.3E findet ihr im Anschluss:

Path of Exile – Patch 3.4.3E

  • Added a search box to the Subterranean Chart. You can now search for encounter names, rewards and depth levels.
  • Reduced the damage of the Turong’s dash skill as it was dealing much more damage than intended.
  • Pitworms can now be damaged while in Darkness.
  • Right-clicking in the Microtransaction Shop no longer counts as if you had left-clicked.
  • The „Shaped“ Zana crafting options now correctly require you to have any 5 or 10 Memory Fragments before they unlock, rather than a specific set of Memory Fragments.
  • Fixed a bug where the „Defeat Ahuatotli, the Blind without gaining more than 5 stacks of Darkness Debuff“ challenge would fail to complete if you had gained Darkness stacks prior to the boss encounter, such as while being escorted by the Crawler.
  • Warped Regurgitators can no longer be spectred. This prevents a bug where some spectred Warped Regurgitators spawned a zombie corpse when entering an area. This zombie corpse used an invisible Soul Mortar skill which could kill players in Hideouts.
  • Fixed a bug where Minions would sometimes stop following the player and fail to take actions when targetting nearby monsters.
  • Fixed a bug where Toxic Rain fired from a temporary source such as Mirage Archer or Ranged Attack Totem did not grant kill credit to the player if that source no longer existed when the kill occurred.
  • Fixed a bug where Smite’s area of effect could be placed in the wrong location if used while targeting yourself.
  • Fixed a bug where Mjölner would not trigger Orb of Storms when you hit an enemy.
  • Fixed a bug where Rogue Exiles in the Azurite Mine had a longer attack range than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Grandmasters could not move to a location if that action didn’t also involve a skill.


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