PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS – 15 Hacker festgenommen, Trojaner in den Cheatprogrammen


Das Team hinter PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS geht ziemlich entschlossen gegen Hacker und die Vertreiber von Hackprogrammen für ihren Battle Royale Hit vor.  Neben Sperrungen und Sicherheitsmassnahmen, wird auch mit der Polizei zusammengearbeitet, diese hat in China gleich 15 Personen festgenommen.

Die Beschuldigten betrieben ihre eigene Webseite, über die diverse Hack&Cheat Programme für PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS vertrieben wurden. Spieler denen der Sieg über alles ging, kauften sich dort die neusten Programme und Hilfsmittel. Das eine Reihe der Cheatprogramme mit Viren verseucht war, lässt dabei nicht wirklich Mitleid aufkommen. Der chinesische „Huigezi“ Trojaner sorgte dann bei vielen „Kunden“ für die Einrichtung einer Backdoor, somit konnten die Betreiber der Webseite private Daten stehlen. Damit ist Cheaten nicht nur uncool, sondern auch noch wirklich gefährlich, außer ihr riskiert gerne eure Online Banking Daten etc.

Den Festgenommenen stehen nun Geldstrafen in Höhe von rund 5.1 Millionen US-Dollar ins Haus. Ermittlungen gegen weitere Verdächtige laufen.

Im Anschluss findet ihr die offizielle Meldung des PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS Teams.


An Update on Our Anti-Cheat Effort

Hi everyone,

As you all now know, we’ve been doing everything possible to root out cheating from PUBG. The ultimate goal is to create an environment for players that’s completely safe from hackers and cheaters.

We take cheating extremely seriously. Developing, selling, promoting, or using unauthorized hacking/cheating programs isn’t just unfair for others playing PUBG—in many places, it’s also against the law.

We’ve upgraded our security measures, improved our anti-cheat solutions, and recently even added a new anti-cheat solution on top of all that. In the meantime, we’ve also been continuously gathering information on hack developers (and sellers) and have been working extensively with multiple partners and judicial authorities to bring these people to justice.

Earlier this month, on April 25th, 15 suspects were arrested for developing and selling hacking/cheating programs that affect PUBG. It was confirmed that malicious code, including Trojan horse software, was included in some of these programs and was used to steal user information.

Here’s some translated information from the local authorities we worked with on this case:

„15 major suspects including “OMG”, “FL”, “火狐”, “须弥” and “炎黄” were arrested for developing hack programs, hosting marketplaces for hack programs, and brokering transactions. Currently the suspects have been fined approximately 30mil RNB ($5.1mil USD). Other suspects related to this case are still being investigated.

Some hack programs that are being distributed through the internet includes a Huigezi Trojan horse*(Chinese backdoor) virus. It was proven that hack developers used this virus to control users’ PC, scan their data, and extract information illegally.”

The longstanding rumor that hacking/cheating programs extract information from users’ PCs has been confirmed to be true. Using illegal programs not only disrupts others, but can end up with you handing over your personal information.

We’ll continue to crack down on hacking/cheating programs (and their creators) until our players are free to battle it out in a totally fair environment.

Thanks for playing,
PUBG Corp.

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