Mit Patch v1.43 kommt das große Turnier Update für Rocket League. Unter den vielen neuen Funktionen ist unter anderem die Möglichkeit für Spieler ihre eigenen Turniere im Spiel zu erstellen.
Rocket League – Spieler Turniere
Hier die Highlights:
- Spieler Turniere mit bis zu 128 Teilnehmern können nun über den Turnier Tab erstellt werden
- Ein neues Icon für die Verbindungsqualität erscheint im HUD, sollte ein Spieler Probleme haben.
- Chat Bans: Spieler die sich durch Beleidigungen und das „Flamen“ nicht sein lassen können, erhalten in Zukunft Chat Bans. Dadurch wird ihnen die Möglichkeit genommen, weitere Beleidigungen im Chat loszulassen.
- Für die Nintendo Switch Version gibt es nun einen Video Capture Modus, der über den Share Button gestartet wird und die letzten 30 Sekunden als Video abspeichert.
- Ebenfalls auf der Switch gibt es nun die Wahl zwischen Performanz und Qualität bei den Video Optionen
- Performanz Modus 60 FPS
- Quality Modus 30 FPS, dafür deutlich bessere Graphik
- Erweitertes Inventar in der Garage. Darunter neue Filter und Organisationsmöglichkeiten
- Neue Länder Flaggen
- Brunei / Monaco / Nauru / Tuvalu
Das Video der Rocket League Entwickler mit einem Überblick für das Update und die neuen Features, haben wir wie immer am Anfang des Artikels für euch eingefügt. Das Rocket League Turnierupdate ist seit heute auf PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox und Switch verfügbar.
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Im Anschluss findet ihr die kompletten Patch Notizen:
Rocket League v1.43 Patch Notizen
Players can now create and join Tournaments
Quality Connection Status icons will appear in the HUD if players are experiencing connection problems
Players can now receive a “Chat Ban” that restricts the banned player from sending chat messages in online play
[Nintendo Switch] Video Capture and ‘Quality Mode’ have been added
Expanded inventory organization and filtering in the Garage
Enhanced Crowd Audio
‘Rocket League x Monstercat Vol. 2’ is now available to all players under Music Playlists
Country Flags
Crates and Keys
‘Triumph’ Crate has been added
‘Rocket League x Monstercat Vol. 2’ is now available to all players under Music Playlists
‘Monstercat’ has been added as a Flag Folder
Monstercat Flags have been added
‘Anna Yvette’
‘Pegboard Nerds’
‘Uncaged Cat’
Players can now create and join Tournaments via the Main Menu
From the Main Menu, select ‘Play’ and then ‘Tournaments’ to find the Tournaments Menu
Tournaments have a maximum bracket size of 128 teams, minimum of eight teams
Team members must be in a party in order to register for a tournament
Cross-platform tournaments are enabled
Tournament creators can set minimum and maximum thresholds for entry based on a player’s Rank in the related Competitive Playlist
Quality Connection Status
In addition to showing your ping on the scoreboard, you will now also see in-game icons on the HUD if you are experiencing connection problems. This will help you better diagnose if gameplay issues are related to server performance or your connection.
You may see one or more of the following warnings when the client detects issues with your connection:
High Latency
Latency Variance
Packet Loss
Server Health
Additionally, if you are experiencing any of these issues, you will see a warning “!” symbol next to your ping on the scoreboard.
If one or more of these issues persists, you will also be notified via a pop-up notification in the Main Menu after exiting a match
Chat Bans and Report Feedback
Chat Bans
Players can now receive a “Chat Ban” that restricts the banned player from sending chat messages in online play
If you are Chat-Banned, you will receive a notification on the main menu with information about the chat that contributed to your ban
Quick Chat is still allowed but chat-banned players can only send one Quick Chat message every 5 seconds
Chat Bans do not affect Private Matches or Party Chat
Report Notifications
If a player you reported receives a ban of any kind, you will now be notified of the ban via a main menu notification
Items and Inventory
Favorite Items
You can now Favorite items in the Garage and Inventory screens. Favorited items appear at the top of each tab
Item Stacking
Most items will now automatically stack in the Inventory to reduce clutter in the inventory and trade windows
Duplicate items with different attributes (e.g. Painted or Certified) do not stack
Duplicate items with different trade holds do not stack
Each item in a stack still counts towards the maximum items in a trade
When adding a stacked items to a trade, you can select how many from the stack to offer with a slider
The Garage now supports Search and Filter functionalities
The Inventory screen now has tabs to quickly switch between different categories of items
Items can now be sorted by Date Acquired and Quality
Different Painted Car Bodies can now be equipped to the Blue and Orange teams
User Interface
A new “Interface” tab has been added to Options that contains all settings that control the user interface
Text Chat can now be set to ‘Team Quick Chat Only’
Client Send Rate – Limit how many packets your client sends per frame (may help on weak/wifi connections)
Server Send Rate – Limit how many packets the server sends you per frame (may help on weak/wifi connections)
Bandwidth Limit – Limit total bandwidth used by the game client
Camera Presets are now available
Controller Vibration now has multiple levels to choose from
Nameplate Scale – Adjust the size of player nameplates in the world
Nameplate Mode – Combines the old ‘High Contrast Nameplates’ and ‘Always Show Nameplates’ option. ‚Default‘ is the former ‚High Contrast Nameplates‘ setting.
Match Notifications
All – Show all HUD stat notifications and match time updates
Time Only – Hide stat notifications, only show “One Minute Remaining” and countdown
Kickoffs Only – Only show “3-2-1-Go”, don’t show “One Minute Remaining” and similar messages
Map Rotation
Aquadome and Starbase ARC have been added back into the Competitive Playlist map rotation
Team Colors
Expanded the palette of Blue and Orange team color choices for customization
In Private and Exhibition matches, you can now select from the full color palette for primary team colors
- Made adjustments to Director Camera to make it more reliable in key situations.
- Auto Camera has been added back into Spectator Mode
In-Game Music
You can now listen to Rocket League soundtracks during a match
Under the ‘Audio’ Tab in the Options Menu, you can set ‘In-Game Music’ to:
Always On
Matches Only
Training Only
Spotify Integration (Steam Only)
You can now select a song from the Playlists menu (in the Main Menu or in-game if ‘In-Game Music’ is enabled) and click the ‘Listen on Spotify’ button
If you click on ‘Listen on Spotify,’ Rocket League will minimize and you will be taken to the selected track on
You must have an active Spotify account in order to view and listen to tracks on
Enhanced Crowd Audio
The in-game crowd can now predict shots and saves using the same logic as the Director camera in Spectator mode
Now that the crowd can predict exciting moments, they will get louder and more excited in advance of events instead of only making noise after something happens
Nintendo Switch
Video Capture has been added
To use Video Capture, press and briefly hold the Share button (below the D-pad) and the last 30 seconds of gameplay will be saved as a video.
Switch players can now choose between ‘Performance’ and ‘Quality’ under the ‘Video’ tab in the Options Menu
Performance Mode (60fps)
Docked: Optimized for 60fps/900p, can scale down to 60fps/720p
Handheld: Optimized for 60fps/720p, can scale down to 60fps/576p
Quality Mode (30fps)
Docked: 30fps/1080p
Handheld: 30fps/720p
Quality Mode also enables several graphics features automatically, including Lens Flares, Light Shafts, Dynamic Shadows and Depth of Field
Black Market and Very Rare Decals no longer cover Painted portions of some Battle-Cars
Trim on Octane no longer changes color when ‘Superman’ Decal is equipped
Primary Colors are now consistent on all car bodies
Fixed a bug causing Supersonic Trails no longer flicker across player screens during a match
Equipped Banners are no longer equipped as a phantom item if they are traded in
Boost will now regenerate while waiting for additional players to join a Dropshot match
Players can now see the ‘Vote to Forfeit’ option in the menu if they already initiated a forfeit vote
Fixed a French translation error related to Takumi RX-T
Fixed a Dutch localization error with Uncommon Toppers
Xbox One
Players who have multiple Painted items equipped are now visible in your Party
‘Certifiable’ Achievement has been fixed
Fixed a bug causing players to crash when loading Steam Workshop Maps
Fixed a bug causing players to crash when using ‘Happy Holidays’ Goal Explosion
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