Code Vein – Veröffentlichung auf 2019 verschoben

Code Vein

Sehr überraschend kam heute die Pressmitteilung von Bandai Namco bezüglich der Verschiebung von Code Vein. Nachdem in den letzten Monaten unzählige Gameplay, Story und andere Trailer veröffentlicht wurden und das Spiel relativ fertig aussah, kam nun die Aussage, dass die für den 28.9.2018 geplante Veröffentlichung verschoben wird.

Wie es in der Mitteilung heisst, waren die Reaktionen der Presse und Fans durchweg positiv. Trotzdem möchten sich die Entwickler mehr Zeit für den Feinschliff nehmen. In der zusätzlichen Zeit soll das gesammelte Feedback, zum Beispiel von Fans die das Spiel auf Messen wie der E3 probespielen konnten, umgesetzt werden. Dadurch wird das fertige Produkt hoffentlich noch einmal deutlich besser und die Erwartungen der Fans übertreffen.

Ein weiterer Grund könnte auch die Masse an Spielen sein, die für den Rest des Jahres noch anstehen und teilweise sehr zeitnah veröffentlicht werden sollen. So könnte Code Vein die Gefahr in der Masse unterzugehen vermeiden.

Im Anschluss findet ihr die offizielle Pressmitteilung von Bandai Namco zum Thema Code Vein Terminverschiebung:

Code Vein 2019

Throughout its pre-release promotion campaign, Code Vein has consistently garnered positive reactions from both media and consumers alike. With this knowledge in-hand, Bandai Namco Inc. has made the decision to dedicate additional time to further develop Code Vein; ensuring the final product delivers on the expectations set amongst media and fans.

—Bandai Namco Entertainment America

“Code Vein has received an enormous amount of positive feedback from eager fans who have received hands-on time with in-development versions of the game over the past nine months,” said Eric Hartness, Vice President of Marketing for Bandai Namco Entertainment America Inc. “Armed with knowledge of how well the game has already been received, we made the decision to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine its gameplay in an effort to exceed the expectations fans already have of the title. It was a difficult decision to make, but we feel it is the correct one.”

—Bandai Namco Europe

“Code Vein has received an enormous amount of positive feedback from eager fans who have received hands-on time with in-development versions of the game over the past nine months,” said Hervé Hoerdt, Vice President Marketing and Digital at Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe. “Armed with knowledge of how well the game has already been received, we made the decision to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine its gameplay in an effort to exceed the expectations fans already have of the title. It was a difficult decision to make, but we feel it is the correct one.”

—Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia

“We are thankful to Code Vein fans for giving us a huge positive feedback on the development versions of the game for the past months, as a result of the overwhelming support from the fans, we decided to postpone the release of Code Vein to further refine the game and hope to exceed fans’ expectation.” said Rainel Tan, General Manager at Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia. “It is a difficult decision, but we hope that once the fans gets to play the final version, they will agree with us that this decision is a right one!”

Venture into the post-apocalyptic land of Code Vein and uncover its secrets. Players will be able to craft their own unique character and customize their experience by equipping numerous weapons, items, skills, and gifts to accommodate their favorite fighting style or gain a competitive advantage against impossible odds. Various A.I. controlled partners will also be on-hand to explore the interconnected world with their own specialized attributes and personalities.

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