GWENT - New arena mode introduced


The yesterday Livestream of the GWENT Developer has confirmed the suspicions, there comes a Arena mode. GWENT Arena is also called the new mode and is currently still in development. In the stream we could watch the creation / draft and a first game with the deck.

GWENT arena

Here are the key data:

  • The entrance fee per arena costs 150 ore or 1.99 €.
  • Even without a win, if you give up immediately, you get a card barrel as a reward. So you never go away empty-handed.
  • The arena ends after 9 wins or 3 losses
  • 9 victories give a guaranteed Premium Gold card along with other rewards
  • A board shows the names of your opponents defeated so far

Card selection:

  • You will have a choice of 4 cards of the same rarity.
  • Premium cards appear randomly. Whether you own the card in your normal collection has no influence on this.
  • There are no restrictions on the factions, so you can mix and match.
  • There is also no limit to the number of gold cards or duplicates
  • You choose the leader at the end of the map selection. So when you know which cards your deck contains and which leader suits it best.


There was also a new one during the presentation Game board to see. This and other variations are intended to be used with the Thronebreaker Expansion coming. The expansion originally planned for the beginning of the year is not yet in sight.

A specific date for the publication of the GWENT arena, unfortunately did not exist. Such a complex feature will only be tested in detail and hopefully only end up on the test server. If you want to watch the video of the live stream and the first game of arena with the developers, you can find the VoD on CD Projekt Reds Twitch Channel.

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