Path of Exile - The New Ascendancy Classes

Path of Exile

The coming Path of Exile Update brings besides the Bestiary League, new gems and many other features, including the revision of the Ascendancy classes. The very popular and fundamentally important improvements of the base class for many character builds also need an update. Of the 19 options, 3 for each character class and 1 for the Scion, only a few have now been used. Almost every character moves up into the same class, which has now emerged as the strongest.

With the update and the adjustments, the developers want to ensure more diversity again, and as many as possible 19 "usable" options do. Another important point is class identity. The ascending classes should differ more clearly and be noticeable when playing. If class A 5% crit chance and class B 2% crit and 3 % more damage, then it is hardly noticeable in the game itself.

Path of Exile - Reworked Ascendancy Classes

Three of the changed classes are also presented directly via a short video:

The assassin

“The assassin has always been seen as a glass cannon with many critical hit skills. Over time, various balance adjustments have meant that this class was no longer really considered. The changes in 3.2.0 will provide the assassins with extremely powerful options and thus restore them to their former glory, so that no opponents are safe from them. "


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The guard

“The Guardian is an example of how we keep many things as they are, but at the same time improve certain aspects so that they can do their jobs better. Accordingly, three of the five branches from the Guardian Ascendancy Tree remain untouched as they are very popular and serve their purpose. The other two have been tweaked to allow supportive characters with a focus on group play to play a more active role while also being a strong choice for solo players. "


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The hierophant

“The hierophant is one of the ascending classes to which we have made far-reaching changes. He is now particularly strong when he has three or four totems under his control at the same time without having to accept any disadvantages. In addition, he can now permanently maintain the arcane surge and benefits from new bonuses. The other branches of the ascendancy also receive a buff. This is one of the first ascendancy classes with seven significant passives that we present to you here. "


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For now, the character designers are mainly working with improvements to the weak classes. So you try to raise the less popular / weaker classes to the level of the stronger ascendencies. Nevertheless, deterioration can also threaten, for example is Butcher just way too strong in comparison, especially due to the immense ability to steal life.

Most of the changes will come with Update 3.2.0, but many more will only be implemented in the coming patches. The developers will collect new feedback after each update on how the changes will work.

Path of Exile Update 3.2.0 with the Bestiary League will be released on March 2nd and, like the main program, is free to play.

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