As if the Steam Sale didn't keep you busy enough, two real bangers are coming in July Playstation Plus Package.
Playstation Plus Free Title in July
Until Dawn and Game of Thrones are among others the games that you can play in July as you wish. A total of 6 games are available free of charge for Playstation Plus members:
- Until Dawn, PS4
- Game of Thrones, PS4
- Tokyo Jungle, PS3
- Darkstalkers Resurrection, PS3
- Element4l, PS Vita
- Don't Die, Mr. Robot, PS Vita (Cross Buy on PS4)
Until Dawn is a survival horror game that was released in late 2015. In it, the game takes on the roles of 8 teenagers who want to spend the weekend partying in a typical horror film in a lonely mountain hut. Exactly 1 year earlier, two of her friends went missing under mysterious circumstances near the hut. Every decision the player makes has an impact, if you react incorrectly, the 8 teenagers can quickly become 7 or 6 or even less. The main objective of the game is to survive until dawn with as many members as possible. Depending on the number of those rescued, there are a variety of different endings. As a result, you play Until Dawn several times and try to save several or other protagonists in order to see their end.
game of Thrones is a title of the well-known Telltale development studio. Through games like The Walking Dead or The Wolf Among Us, Telltale and her unique way of telling stories through games became known. There are now a number of their games that are set in different franchises such as Batman or Borderlands.
In game of Thrones one follows the history of the house of Forrester. This house doesn't appear directly in the books and the series, but well-known main characters make appearances in the 6 episodes. Whether and how House Forrester survives the chaos of war depends on your decisions.
From July 2017 you can play these titles for free with a Playstation Plus membership.