World of Warcraft - New hotfix and statement on the quest bug

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The Quest bug that appeared yesterday ruin a lot of players the cozy one World of Warcraft Eve. Contrary to first statements, Blizzard can apparently restore quests and quest progress partially.

Post by Radathryl in the European World of Warcraft forums:

"Hello everybody!

Yesterday and this morning there was a temporary problem, which meant that the quest log could be lost between 21:30 and 01:30 when changing areas. The cause has been fixed with a hotfix and we are offering the affected characters support in restoring quests that comprise several steps, require a longer period of time to complete or can no longer be accepted. "

So if you are one of those affected, write a ticket directly to support.

You can find the German patch notes for the current World of Warcraft Hofix from August 1st below:

World of Warcraft - Hotfixes August 1, 2018


  • Druid
    • balance
      • The buff effects of 'Lunar Empowerment' and 'Solar Empowerment' now appear on the personal resource meter.
      • The Fury of Elune talent now properly deals damage to targets while on an elevator.
  • Sorcerer
    • Demonology
      • The Nether Portal talent now works as intended on elevators.
      • All visual effects for the Puss Plague Bomber talent will now properly display when the character is safely on an elevator.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Sirana Ice Scream no longer deals excessive damage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some Booty Bay Brawlers to deal disproportionately high damage.
  • Chief Warlock Xi'lun no longer deals excessive damage.

Dungeons & Raids

  • Dire Maul
    • The damage of some creatures in the Gordok Halls has been reduced.
  • The emerald nightmare
    • Xavius
      • When players die in a dream, they can now properly return to their bodies as intended.
  • Halls of Origin
    • Many of the enemies' abilities in the Halls of Origin now deal less damage.
  • Terrace of the Masters
    • Sunblade Imp 'Firebolt' now deals a more appropriate amount of damage.
  • Stratholme
    • Baron Aurius Oath now takes the intended amount of damage from players.


  • Steelforged Essence is now again applicable to shields.


  • The Epic Battlegrounds queue is now available from level 20.
  • PvP trinkets like Inherited Insignia of the Horde, which can be used to remove Loss-of-Control effects, now share a cooldown with PvP talents like Gladiator's Medallion.
  • PvP trinkets such as Inherited Alliance Insignia, which can be used to remove Loss-of-Control effects, are no longer usable if the player has learned Adaptation or Relentless.


  • Blacksmithing
    • Arcanomancer Vridiel is again selling the recipe for Rethu's inexhaustible courage.


  • Ji Firepaw no longer follows the player after completing The Path of the Horde.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some players from speaking to Sylvanas during the Murderous Queen quest.
  • The Infected Goblins for "Painful Heal" are now a bit more robust so that players can use the serum better.


  • Razor Hill Watchtower is no longer a safe area.
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